Hello English Learners and thank you for registering for our American English weekly newsletter. On Sunday of every week, I will share news and learning activities with you.
- NEWS 1: Great News! We will have our first free synchronous meet-and-greet at our English Learners Club – English Learners Social Network for 2022 on Sunday, 2/13/2022 at 10AM Los Angeles Time. Click here to access English Learners Club: http://englishlearners.club Check to see your time zone converter as it relates to our synchronous meet-and-greet here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Synchronous+Meet-And-Greet+at+English+Learners+Club%3A+www.EnglishLearners.club&iso=20220213T10&p1=137&ah=1
2. NEWS 2: Great news!!! Now you can listen to the Maestro Sersea podcast for English Learners on numerous Podcasting platforms including Spotify, IHeartRadio, Google, Amazon, Podbean, PlayerFM, Listen Notes, Deezer, PodcastAddict, Stitcher, and soon on other podcast platforms as well. Follow and listen to our educational podcasts as they are published each Sunday.
3. NEWS 3: Great news!!! We now have our own English Learners Social Network where we can chat, join and create spaces for collaboration, learn together, and have fun. Watch this video, and visit our website for more information:
4. NEWS 4: Great news!!! We now have our own online radio station for English Learners that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. You’re invited to visit our site to listen to the radio, learn, and share your constructive comments: https://maestrosersea.com/2021/12/03/the-official-maestro-sersea-radio-station-share-your-comments/
In addition, we have an ANDROID app in the Google Play app store so that you can listen to our radio station on your phone anytime you wish. Click here to download it on your computer or phone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icreo.maestrosersea

5. NEWS 5: Great news!!! We now have our own online television station for English Learners that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. You can watch our online television station for English Learners anytime you wish. You’re invited to visit our site to watch television, learn, and share your constructive comments: https://maestrosersea.com/2021/12/03/the-official-maestro-sersea-television-station-share-your-comments/
6. NEWS 6: We had a great webinar on January 30th, 2022. During 2022, we will have a free webinar every other month, meaning: January, March, May, July, September, and November.
7. Reading Comprehension Skills: Summarizing – Improve your Reading Skills: https://usareading.club/2021/11/21/summarizing-reading-comprehension-skills/
8. Character is how you choose to act. Every choice you make defines the character you have. Do you want to be remembered as a person of solid character? Study the 30 qualities that make up good character below:
Learn about Character, Character Traits, and Personality Traits: https://americanenglish.xyz/2022/01/31/character/
Respectful Character Definition: https://usareading.club/2022/01/18/respectful-character/
Respectful Character Essay: https://americanenglish.xyz/2022/02/01/respectful/
9. Careers and Jobs in the USA #40: Secretaries and Administrative Assistants— Here is our educational section designed to help you improve your English reading and listening comprehension, as well as learn about jobs and careers in the United States of America. Please click on the link below and watch the videos to improve your English skills and your knowledge as well. Don’t forget to write a comment and suggest which American careers and jobs you’d like us to include here in the future. Click here: Secretaries and Administrative Assistants
10. Learn about Sports and write comments to improve your English: https://worldfacts.club/sports/
11. Improve your English vocabulary and comprehension with American English Idioms, Lesson 21: BLOW OFF STEAM, BLUE, and BLUE-BLOOD: American English Idioms #21
Thank you, students. I will send you the next American English News from Maestro Sersea on Sunday of next week. If you want to access all our previous News from Maestro Sersea, click here for the list: http://sersea.com/news-from-maestrosersea/
IMPORTANT REMINDER: Students, if you wish to continue to receive free English lessons from Maestro Sersea, you need to open your emails, click on the links, complete the lessons, and watch the videos each week. If you’re not working hard to improve your English skills with Maestro Sersea, then there are other motivated English Learners who wish to learn English in your place. Maestro Sersea will soon review student activity records and delete students who have not been actively learning English via our English lessons and videos. Once students are deleted, they will no longer receive email lessons and newsletters to improve their English skills.