Free American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – Year 1, Quarter 1, 3/14/2021 – Online Meeting, Webinar, and Online Chat

American English Learners,

In case you watched this, or you wish to watch this again, here is our 1-hour video of our first live audio-video presentation about our 5-year program Free American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea.

You are encouraged to watch this video in its entirety to learn about our program. Don’t forget to leave a constructive comment below:

14 thoughts on “Free American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – Year 1, Quarter 1, 3/14/2021 – Online Meeting, Webinar, and Online Chat

  1. Thank you my lovely teacher! I appreciate your hard working, and the way you sacrifice yourself in order to help others.
    On March 14, it was not possible for me to join the webinar, but I am blessed to follow your presentation.
    I love your introduction and your very important CV. I salute you!
    As your student, I would like also to introduce myself to you; let me try:
    My name is Albertine Nyiraneza, I am rwandan by nationality, I am married and God blessed me with 7 children, 4 boys and 3 girls.
    My first born is 34 years old. He completed his masters degree in Belgium and now he is doing his internship in UN, in Austria.
    My last born is 20 years old. She completed her secondary education.
    After genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in Rwanda, my husband and I decided to adopt 6 vulnerable children.
    We have a family of more than 15 people, but some of them are married.
    I am a pastor, in Presbyterian church in Rwanda, I am the moderator of a presbytery called Gitarama, i southern province of Rwanda.
    I have a bachelor degree in theology and divinity, I am doing my masters study in Theology and development in Uganda Christian university.
    I decided to study in Uganda, because I love English so much, but in my country it was not easy for me to improve my English, because here in Rwanda, we speak one language throughout the country, we don’t have opportunity to practice other languages.
    I did my secondary school in French as well as level one of university.
    Before going to theology, I was a teacher in primary school, and from 2001, I am a full time pastor.
    This is a good job, but very difficult and complex, with multiple responsibilities that I supposed to fulfill as much as possible.
    For christians, I am their pastor, for my children, I am their mother, for my husband, I am his wife, for my church, I am a leader, for my community, I am a resource person, etc.
    A pastor supposed to be a leader, a preacher, a counsellor, an advocate, a mediator, a provider for those in need, a voice of the voiceless and so on.
    But, I love my job, and I am studying in order to have more skills which will help me to fulfill my duties as much as I can.
    Thank you so much
    Rev. Albertine

  2. Hi, I enjoyed listening to you about your life, I understand you had a rough life but because of that you have a great heart and enjoy teaching English for free, and that is remarkable. Thank you in the name of so many people that can take advantage of your lessons. God bless you.

  3. I’m Danijela from Serbia
    Thank you very much Maestro Sersea for the sent video.I missed this webinar.Thank you so much for helping us to study Amerikcan English language.

  4. Thank you very much my teacher, I appreciate your working for help us . I m so sorry I can’t join in wabiner I hope on next
    My CV is
    My name hind Ismael
    I’m production engineer
    Live in baghdad Iraq
    My hippies is walking in park, marathon running, hand mad, cooking ,

  5. Hello, teacher! I appreciate your hard working , your passion and your patience in order to help us. You are very motivating for us.
    on March 14 , it was not possible for me to join the webinar but I am blessed to follow you presentation.
    I would like also to introduce myself to you.
    My name is Luljeta. I ‘m from Albania Tirana. I’m a finance economist. I have a expensive experience working in telecommunication field. I have a sun. He is thirty years old. We are a small family. My family live in a flat nearby center of city.
    Thank you very much Maestro Sersea!

  6. Hello teacher!
    Thank you for your hard work , you passion and your patience in order to help us. You are very motivation for us. I would like also to introduce myself to you:
    I’m Luljeta. I’m from Albania. I’m married . I have a son. He is thirty years old. He lives in Firence. He graduated from Florence University with a degree in architecture. I’m a finance economist. I graduated from Tirana University in Finance branch. Tirana is the capital of Albania. We are a small family. My family live in a flat nearby of the center of city. I have a extensive experience in the telecommunication field. My husband works the Ministry of Defence.
    Thank you very much once again.
    Thank you very much once

  7. Wow girl you are really awesome! Playing so many roles must be very demanding and exausting but from your words I can see that you enjoy it . Just keep up the good work and may god give you the strenght to continue making this world better place.

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