Greetings English Learners and Teachers from All Over the World!
I’m Ioan Elvis Sersea, M.A., M.A.T., aka Maestro Sersea, an American English teacher based in Southern California, United States of America. I’ve been educating English learners in California since 1989 and I continue to do so both at a charter high school and at a community college. I was born and raised in Romania, and English became my 3rd language when I moved to the United States of America more than 41 years ago. Thanks to my helpful English as a Second Language teachers who taught and motivated me to succeed, I was inspired to become an American English Teacher and help English learners increase American English fluency.
1. Do you wish to improve your American English conversation, pronunciation, and comprehension skills? Participate in online Zoom webinars offered by Maestro Sersea. There are 2, 2-hour, American English Conversation Webinars for English Learners each month.
If you’re interested in participating, you’re invited to visit our website and register: https://englishwebinars.com/blog/2023/08/06/2024-american-english-webinars-and-conversation-practice-introduction/
2. Did you know that Maestro Sersea has already published 7 educational books for English Learners on Amazon with more books to be published in 2024? Access our books for learning American English at https://amzn.to/3yN9QiT
3. Did you know we now have 3 different educational podcasting channels, each with their own YouTube channel? Check them out here:
Learn American English with Maestro Sersea
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/maestrosersea
Immigrants in the United States
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@immigrantsintheus
Liberty and Democracy
YouTube Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/@libertyanddemocracy
Educational Resources and Learning Activities
We are happy to offer thousands of videos, audio files, lessons, and activities for learning American English online. Here are some selections for this week:
American English Grammar Lessons and Activities:
- Comparative Adverbs
- Complements: Subject Complements and Object Complements
- Complex Sentence
- Compound-Complex Sentence
- Compound Sentence
Online Spanish English Bilingual English Dictionary: https://sersea.com/spanish-english-bilingual-english-dictionary/
Read Educational eBooks Online: https://sersea.com/ebooks/
Learn Study-Skills for English Learners: https://sersea.com/study-tips-for-english-learners/
Learn with Chatbots
Do you want an interactive online learning experience? Our Artificial Intelligence Chatbots have been highly trained and customized to help you make learning meaningful and enjoyable.
Click here to access the next-generation learning experience:
- What Are the Best Ways to Learn English: Chat and Learn with a Chatbot
- English Writing Skills: Chat and Learn with a Chatbot
- English Listening Skills: Chat and Learn with a Chatbot
Have a great week everyone. I’ll share another newsletter with you on Sunday of next week.

News from Maestro Sersea # 153 August 11th, 2024
” Never Bend your Head. Aways Hold it High, Look the world straight in the EYE”.
This quote is very powerful of the importance of self-confidence. Hellan Keller says that one should not shy away from challenges or let the opinions of others dictate yourself perception. Be very confident and proud If you know that you did your best. Always stay positive and remain dignified.