Welcome to News from Maestro Sersea #152 Newsletter: July 21st, 2024
Greetings English Learners and Teachers from All Over the World!
I’m Ioan Elvis Sersea, M.A., M.A.T., aka Maestro Sersea, an American English teacher based in Southern California, United States of America. I’ve been educating English learners in California since 1989 and I continue to do so both at a charter high school and at a community college. I was born and raised in Romania, and English became my 3rd language when I moved to the United States of America more than 41 years ago. Thanks to my helpful English as a Second Language teachers who taught and motivated me to succeed, I was inspired to become an American English Teacher and help English learners increase American English fluency.
Do you wish to improve your American English conversation, pronunciation, and comprehension skills? Participate in online Zoom webinars offered by Maestro Sersea. There are 2, 2-hour, American English Conversation Webinars for English Learners each month.
If you’re interested in participating, you’re invited to visit our website and register: https://englishwebinars.com/blog/2023/08/06/2024-american-english-webinars-and-conversation-practice-introduction/
2. Educational Resources and Learning Activities
We are happy to offer thousands of videos, audio files, lessons, and activities for learning American English online. Here are some selections for this week:
Dolch Sight Words Vocabulary: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRAkBbatikIhqjMIOXMqYpouKGO1-36fL
American English Vocabulary: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRAkBbatikIi5v2_7kJG_OuVtcGP7Yq06
American English Grammar Lessons and Activities:
- Capital Letters and Lowercase Letters
- Case Pronouns
- Clauses (Independent and Dependent)
- Common Nouns
- Comparative Adjectives
— Reading Comprehension Lessons: https://sersea.com/reading-comprehension/
— Learn about specific reading comprehension links via https://sersea.com/reading-skills/:
- Reading Comprehension: Identify Author’s Purpose
- Reading Comprehension: Analyze Character
- Reading Comprehension: Analyze Setting
- Reading Comprehension: Analyze Plot
- Reading Comprehension: Analyze Theme
Improve your English Listening and Comprehension with our Podcast for Learning English as well as our Liberty and Democracy Podcast:
Improve your American English Writing Skills via https://sersea.com/writing-skills/
Writing Skills
Here you will be able to learn writing skills including avoiding fragments and run-ons, as well as writing sentences, paragraphs, essays, and research papers. In addition, you can ask our AI Chatbot any questions you want about writing well in English.
Click on the links below and learn the 12 different tenses in the English language:
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Simple Past Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Continuous Tense
- Simple Present Tense
- Future Perfect Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Simple Future Tense
- Tenses in English
Have a great week everyone. I’ll share another newsletter with you on Sunday of next week.

Episode 19: Comparing and Contrasting American’s Political Parties.
” Comparing and Contrasting the Republican, Democrat and Libertarian political parties in United State
of Ameria”.
I heard the podcast related to the above title. I found it very useful, informative educational. It increased
my knowledge about American’s political Parties. Thank you so much.
” Many Receive Advice only the wise Profit from it.”
Harper Lee tells in his quote that wisdom lies not just in hearing advice, but in applying it effectively or receiving guidance is not enough, true wisdom comes from using that advice to improve one’s situation.
So, when we get valuable advice, we must consider how we can put it into practical.