Greetings, and welcome to our newsletter. I’m Ioan Elvis Sersea, M.A., M.A.T., aka Maestro Sersea. English was my third language when I moved to the United States of America from Romania over 40 years ago. I have been passionately teaching English learners in California since 1989, both at K-12 public schools and community colleges. Whether you’re a student or a teacher of English, I hope you will find the following learning activities and educational resources helpful. You can contact me and learn more about me by visiting my website and my LinkedIn account or by emailing me at maestrosersea @ gmail. com .
Do you wish to receive this newsletter via email in the future? Click here: Sign up here to receive the official Maestro Sersea Newsletter each week
- Yes, we’re offering free online courses by email for English Learners and teachers of English Learners. Select one or more courses below, click on the link(s), sign up on the form(s), and please remember to check your email inbox and spam box to open and approve the invitation to begin.English learners and teachers from all over the world are encouraged and welcome to enroll:
- Click here to register: American English Conversation Online Course
- Click here to register: American English Pronunciation Online Course
- Click here to register: American English Vocabulary Online Course
- Click here to register: American English Idioms Online Course
- Click here to register: 5-Year American English for English Learners: Beginning Level to Advanced
2. Here are a few helpful online articles accompanying my published book, “33 American English Topics: Everyday Dialogues for American English Learners 2”
- Italian Food
- American Food
- Gaming Consoles
- Internet Browsers
- Internet Search Engines
- Sports
- Supermarkets
3. Here are ten helpful online articles accompanying my published book, “300 American English Dialogues for English Learners: Let’s Talk and Learn about the States of the U.S.A.”
Do you want to access MaestroSersea’s other helpful resources and websites for learning English? Look below:
Helpful Videos
— Self-Improvement Videos (Intermediate/Advanced)
— Dolch Sight Words Vocabulary (250 words English Learners need to know) (Literacy/Beginning)
— VOA Wordbook Vocabulary (Beginning/Intermediate)
— American English Dialogues with Pronunciation (Beginning/Intermediate)
— Read Articles about American Holidays and Celebrations (Intermediate/Advanced)
— Careers and Jobs in the USA (Intermediate/Advanced)
— American English Idioms (Intermediate/Advanced)
Helpful Websites
- American English Pronunciation: www.usapronunciation.com
- American English Dialogues: www.americanenglishconversation.online
- American English Vocabulary: www.americanenglishvocabulary.com
- American English Idioms: www.americanenglishidioms.com
- USA Reading Club: www.usareading.club
- Learn about Careers: www.usacareers.club
- Learn about the USA and other countries: www.worldfacts.club
More Resources
Do you want to improve your listening skills? Look on the right-hand side of this page to access Maestro Sersea’s podcasts, or access them via his website:
Try the podcasts: www.maestrosersea.com/podcasts
Do you want to access more educational videos for English Learners? Visit: www.youtube.com/maestrosersea
Do you want to access helpful audio files for English Learners? Visit: www.soundcloud.com/maestro-sersea/sets
News 1: Great News! At the beginning of April 2024, Maestro Sersea will officially open the virtual doors of California International Online School (CAINTOS), an online school for English Learners worldwide. CAINTOS will offer initial online diagnostic testing to identify student English grade level (we provide online skills training and coursework for 13 levels, starting from Level 1: Beginning Literacy to Level 13: College Preparation), online courses, periodic webinars, regular one-on-one online office hours via Zoom, individualized feedback from Maestro Sersea, and an official exit English assessment with a certificate identifying English language fluency that students can share with employers and schools.
— To schedule a free, 25-minute appointment via ZOOM to learn more about California International Online School, click here.
— To learn more about our progress and educational offerings and sign up for our CAINTOS newsletter, please visit www.caintos.com.
News 2: More Great News! Webinars with Maestro Sersea will begin in April 2024. English learners who are serious about improving their English skills are invited to sign up for our low-cost American English webinars.
- You’re invited to schedule a free, 15-minute one-on-one online appointment via Zoom to discuss our low-cost monthly webinar subscription by clicking here.
- To learn more about our future webinars and register for our monthly low-cost monthly webinar subscription, please click here.
NEWS 3: Click Here if you wish to access Maestro Sersea’s seven published books for English Learners
NEWS 4: Even More Great News! Check out Maestro Sersea’s educational podcasts for English Learners. Now you can listen to the Maestro Sersea podcast for English Learners on numerous Podcasting platforms, including Apple, Spotify, IHeartRadio, Google, Amazon, Podbean, PlayerFM, Listen to Notes, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Stitcher, and more.
Thank you. I will send you the next American English News from Maestro Sersea on Sunday of next week.
”Importance of Responsibility.”
A very meaningful podcast. if we are responsible for something we will be accountable for the outcome of what comes from it, as this is our duty.