March 28, 2025

2 thoughts on “Welcome to News from Maestro Sersea #128: October 1st, 2023

  1. News from Maestro Seresa.
    ” Be Sure you put your Feet in the Right Path, then Stand Firm.”
    Ibraham Licon was a wise man. His quotes are timeless. this quote emphasizes the impotence of making the right choices and standing by them with conviction. It is a reminder to be mindful of our decision and to take responsibility of our action.

  2. American English Idioms.

    1) All wet: It means that someone is completely wrong or mistaken about something.
    The weather man’s forecast was all wet.
    2) Just along for the ride: This idiom to refers to someone who is participating in an activity without playing active role in the proceedings.
    I am going along for the ride to my friend book club.
    I have no interest in playing Basketball with you friends, I am just along for the ride.
    3) Apple of one’s eye: the idiom is used to describe someone who is cherished or loved above all others.
    My little sister is the apple of my mother’s eye.
    My grandson is the apple of my eye.

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