March 29, 2025

1 thought on “American English News from Maestro Sersea #73: 06/26/2022

  1. hello ,Hind from Iraq.
    How to be good friend.
    2-introduction stop treating ,your friends like commodity .
    2-2 respect there is a stereotype that young women are reserved .
    in general ,we should all strive to treat others , the way we want them to treat us ,how to do things well yourself by asking questions ,
    3- generosity friends we like to have more of in a post on buffer,brad Forst shares ,five ways to be more generous with your time and kindness .
    1-when someone ask for something you can help them with it directly.
    2-when someone asks for something else run errands for them.
    3-where someone wants something from you ,but doesn’t expect anything in return .
    4-when someone asks for something from other people .
    5- when an individual is feeling down or lonely ,offer your company or advice .
    4- empathy in this book “essential difference” ,
    1- be open this one sounds obvious .
    2-don’t say that you know when you hear someone say “i know so much about that subject .
    5- conclusion in this post ,you learned about the skills required for a good friend .
    thank you sir

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