News from Maestro Sersea #1: 1/10/2020

Hello English Learners and thank you for registering for my online English class. On Sunday of every week I will share news and learning activities with you.

1. Urgent News: I have received some messages that some of you using mobile phones are having difficulties clicking on the links to access the English lessons. There are two ways to fix this: 1. access our page that has links to all of our lessons: or 2. Copy the link and paste it in the address bar of your browser window and click enter.

2. Lessons Reminder: You will be receiving an e-mail from me that includes links to 4-5 lessons each week. I encourage you to watch the lesson videos 2-3 times so you can practice and improve your English.

3. Translation Reminder: I strongly encourage you to use the Translation Flags on our website to translate the English text of each lesson into your language to increase comprehension.

4. Lesson Spotlight: Every week, you will receive vocabulary lessons from me. At the beginning of year 1, we will cover all of the Dolch Sight Words, then we will continue to the 1000 Fry Sight Words list. Here’s a video that introduces the Dolch Sight Words Lessons:

5. Contact Reminder: I have already communicated with numerous students who have contacted me. I enjoy hearing from you. Do you need to contact me? You can respond to the e-mails you receive from me, leave comments on our site or our YouTube video channel, and even contact me via Facebook.

6. Maestro Sersea Home and Travel Videos Spotlight: Do you like to walk where you live? I try to walk every day. Yesterday, I took a walk in Dana Point Harbor, California and enjoyed a beautiful, sunny, warm day. Although everyone’s worried about the Covid pandemic, people here were enjoying the views and the warm weather.

Do you want to watch other videos I’ve filmed? Visit my YouTube Channel – Maestro Sersea Home and Travel Videos:

7. Weekly English Grammar Spotlight:

Each week well focus on an English Grammar topic you can review. This week we focus on English Present Tense. Here’s a link to where you can learn more about the simple present tense:

Here’s a video that introduces the Simple Present Tense:

Thank you very much students. I will send you the next News from Maestro Sersea on Sunday of next week. Best wishes and many thanks for registering for my online English class. The more effort you put in, the more you will learn and succeed. 🙂

25 thoughts on “News from Maestro Sersea #1: 1/10/2020

  1. Hello everybod’y


    It’s amazing to study your nice English grammar, but these other lessons, they are also very important.

    Thank you for the strong work you give me.


    1. Mongi,
      Thank you for your kind words. I’m glad you’re benefitting from our free online English lessons.
      Keep up your great attitude.
      Best wishes,
      Maestro Sersea

  2. Hi teacher,
    Thank you and I am grateful to study online with you. It’s clear and easy to me to improve my English skills.

    1. Hadi, thank you for you kind words. I look forward to your participation and success in our online American English class.
      Best wishes,
      Maestro Sersea

  3. Dear Maestro Sersea!
    This is a great opportunity to learn English with you! But I couldn’t find information: how much does your course cost per month, or is it free? Thanks!
    Igor Madyarov.

  4. I had never stopped to think before, that adjectives must have an specific order when you use more than one with the same noun, until I read this “…enjoyed a beautiful, sunny, warm day…” So I searched it on the internet and find out some useful information.

  5. Really its good for me…American English is very different from other countries so that’s why i want to learn this American English tanking you…its really amazing..feeling good

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